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Assistance Program

Are you going through the school of hard knocks? We've got your back! Life is always going to be challenging, but with Covid and the loss of income, jobs, and health, many of us are struggling to hold it together right now, let alone pay rent, buy food, and afford life.


​Many of us have additional stress like PTSD, overcoming abuse/trauma, as youth in need, loss of loved ones, or health issues. Even if we can't afford any extras, we need the benefits of this enlightened philosophy and understanding of our life, now more than ever! 


If you are going through hard times and cannot financially afford our classes or services, you may still be able to access them through our Assistance Program at 60% off for a year! (Military is free)


To sign up for our Assistance Program, please fill out the form below and submit a photo of your EBT card. After we review your request, we will email you a 60% off code to use when signing up for classes and services. This code will be good for one year.


If you are Military, please let us know in the form below and include a photo to show us proof of your service. After we receive your request and find you eligible, you can access our classes and services free of charge.


We're glad you found your way here...we love you!

Assistance Program sign up

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